As part of the activities of the Agriculture, Territories and Environment Division, a kick-off workshop with stakeholders was organized as part of the project “Operational Adaptation Nexus-Based Systems Solutions in the Mediterranean” (DIONYSUS), PRIMA Section 1. This workshop was held in the wilaya of Sétif, commune of Aïn Azel, and was dedicated to the development of the cereal sector in the face of climate change. The workshop was led by researchers: Dr. Amel Bouzid, Karima Boudedja and Messaoud Lazereg, members of this project
The event saw the participation of representatives of the following organizations:
The Directorate of Agricultural Services of the Wilaya of Sétif (DSA),
The agricultural subdivision of Aïn Azel,
The agricultural subdivision of Aïn Hajar,
The hydraulic subdivision of Aïn Azel,
The Chamber of Agriculture (CAW),
The Technical Institute of Large-Scale Crops (ITGC),
The Technological Institute Specialized in Training on Large-Scale Crops in Sétif (ITSFA),
The National Institute for Seed and Plant Certification (CNCC),
The National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA),
The National Interprofessional Council of the Cereal Sector (CNIF-Céréales).
The workshop also brought together representatives of civil society as well as farmers from the region.