Presentation of the department
Scientific research in the fields of economics and the sociology of agriculture, food and the environment has been relatively undeveloped since independence. These are important areas from the point of view of national development. Agriculture occupies more than a quarter of the active population and accounts for about 15% of gross production. The agro-food industries are one of the main sectors of industry (2nd sector after hydrocarbons).
Food takes up almost a third of the annual imports. In addition, the problems posed by the economic use of water and soil are among the most crucial that the country has already faced and that it will continue to face more and more in the future. In this context, space occupies a very important place.
Beyond the fact that the economic activity is framed by a clearly defined space, a socially produced territory, which is far from being an amorphous frame passively undergoing the action of men. Space in a physical sense is a finite quantity and therefore not reproducible, so that any loss of space (urbanization, pollution, desertification, ..) is an irreversible and permanent loss. Hence the extreme importance of the role and the place of spatial planning policy, largo, sensu, which aims at the development of natural resources, the rational location of investments and the optimal distribution of economic and social activities. populations. Land use planning integrates both urban planning and regional development. In this context, our country enjoys a great variety of reliefs, climates, natural endowments, the preservation and enhancement of which are not without posing fundamental problems not only from the point of view of development but also of perspective of sustainability.
In addition to the production of knowledge and management techniques and planning in the relevant fields, this division has a mission to contribute to the formation of national expertise. It will offer researchers, especially PhD students, the support they need to carry out their work in a shorter period of time and support their diplomas.
The department will also contribute to the proper collection, storage and processing of information related to its areas of research. It will fill the gap that has existed so far and provide decision-makers with the data and analysis needed to make economic policy decisions.
Finally, it will bring its know-how to the institutions and administrations concerned by its field of research by subscribing with them to study and research contracts.
Lines of research
- Dynamics of agricultural production systems;
- Economy of natural resources and environment;
- Rural development and territorial dynamics;
- Agri-food sectors, organization and international integration;
- Resources and forms of coordination in the agricultural sector;
- Markets, institutions, public action and stakeholder strategies in the agri-food sector.
Research teams
Team 1 : Filières agroalimentaires, organisation des marchés et stratégie des acteurs.
Team 2 : Les systèmes de production agricoles.
Team 3 : Gouvernance, politiques agricoles et développement des territoires.
Team 4 : Economie des Ressources Naturelles et de l’Environnement.