Empowering the young generation: Towards a new social contract in south and east Mediterranean countries (SAHWA)

Partenaire : Commission Européenne « UE »

Chef du projet : HAMMOUDA Nacer Edine, Directeur de recherche
Objet du projet
As the Arab Spring unfolds into its fourth year, research on the whys and wherefores of this process have mostly focused on dynamics of transition. Although Arab youth was at the forefront of the popular protests that initiated such a process and have remained as the most dynamic social actor, little albeit increasing attention has been paid to young people in the Arab Mediterranean countries, their views and prospects. As a result, despite the growing interest for the region, a glaring lack of knowledge about Arab youth (ways of life, socio-economic conditions, values, perceptions, etc.), and as a consequence about Arab societies, has marked the views of external actors and policy-makers so far. In this context, the SAHWA Project brings together fifteen partners from Europe and Arab countries to research youth prospects and perspectives in a context of multiple social, economic and political transitions in five Arab Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon). The thematic axes around which the project will revolve are education, employment and social inclusion, political mobilization and participation, culture and values, international migration and mobility, gender, comparative experiences in other transition contexts and public policies and international cooperation.